Sabtu, 26 Maret 2016


Ika Yuni Pesparani. 2014. Determination Of Content Methoxyl Pectin Rambai’s Fruit Rind (Baccaurea motleyana). Research Reports, Program Study of Chemical Education, Department of MIPA Education, FKIP, University Of Palangka Raya. Lecturer guide: Drs. Akhmad Damsyik, M.Sc., Ph.D.

Rambai fruit (Baccaurea motleyana) is are some kind of fruit plant that live and grows in south east, like as Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia (special, Kalimantan and Sumatera. This rambai’s rind contains pectin compound that could be used to make a jelly, jam, and candy.
 The research are using extraction method by temperature (75oC) and operation time (120 minutes) with de-ionized water and chloride acid solvent in additional to alcohol 96% to precipitate the pectin. Wet pectin are dried at 45 oC to obtain constant weight dry pectin. Test Parameter is methoxyl content analysis.
Results shows that chloride acid solvent influencing more than de-ionized in such optimum point. The average percentage of pectin yield content with chloride acid solvent was 28,7545%, whereas 21,8005 %. in de-ionized solvent. The average percentage of methoxyl content with chloride acid solvent was 18,39 % whereas 17,65 % in de-ionized solvent.
Key word : Rambai  fruit rind, extraction, pectin, methoxyl content analysis