LINUS CARL PAULING was born in Portland, Oregon, on February 28,
1901, and died at his ranch at Big Sur, California, on August 19, 1994. In 1922
he married Ava Helen Miller (died 1981), who bore him four children: Linus
Carl, Peter Jeffress, Linda Helen (Kamb), and Edward Crellin.
Pauling is
Pauling was the first child of Herman Pauling, son of German
immigrants, and Lucy Isabelle (Darling) Pauling, descended from
pre-revolutionary Irish stock. There were two younger daughters: Pauline
Darling (born 1902) and Lucile (born 1904). Herman Pauling worked for a time as
a traveling salesman for a medical supply company and moved in 1905 to Condon,
Oregon, where he opened his own drugstore. It was in this new boom town in the
arid country east of the coastal range that Pauling had his first schooling. He
learned to read early and started to devour books. In 1910 the family moved
back to Portland, where his father wrote a letter to The Oregonian,
a local newspaper, asking for advice about suitable reading matter for his
nine-year-old son, who had already read the Bible and Darwin's theory of
evolution. We do not know the replies, but Pauling later confessed that one of
his favorites was the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Soon tragedy
struck. In June of that year Herman Pauling died after a sudden illness,
probably a perforated stomach ulcer with attendant peritonitis, leaving his
family in a situation with which the young mother could not adequately cope.
Linus did well at school. He collected insects and minerals and
read omnivorously. He made up his mind to become a chemist in 1914, when a
fellow student, Lloyd A. Jeffress, showed him some chemical experiments he had
set up at home. With the reluctant approval of his mother he left school in
1917 without a diploma and entered Oregon Agricultural College at Corvallis as
a chemical engineering major, but after two years his mother wanted him to
leave college to earn money for the support of the family. He must have
impressed his teachers, for in 1919, after a summer working as a road-paving
inspector for the State of Oregon, he was offered a full-time post as
instructor in qualitative analysis in the chemistry department. The
eighteen-year-old teacher felt the need to read current chemical journals and
came across the recently published papers of Gilbert Newton Lewis and Irving
Langmuir on the electronic structure of molecules. Having understood the new
ideas, the "boy professor" introduced them to his elders by giving a
seminar on the nature of the chemical bond. Thus was sparked the "strong
desire to understand the physical and chemical properties of substances in
relation to the structure of the atoms and molecules of which they are
composed," which determined the course of Pauling's long life.
The following year Pauling resumed his student status and
graduated in 1922 with a B.Sc. degree. In his final year he was given another
opportunity to teach, this time an introductory chemistry course for young
women students of home economics. This new teaching episode also had important
consequences for his future. One of the students was Ava Helen Miller, who
became his wife in a marriage that lasted almost sixty years.
Pauling came to the California Institute of Technology as a
graduate student in 1922 and remained there for more than forty years. He chose
Caltech because he could obtain a doctorate there in three years (Harvard
required six) and because Arthur Amos Noyes offered him a modest stipend as
part-time instructor. It was a fortunate choice both for Pauling and for
Caltech. As he wrote towards the end of his life, "Years later . . . I
realized that there was no place in the world in 1922 that would have prepared
me in a better way for my career as a scientist" (1994). When he arrived
the newly established institute consisted largely of the hopes of its three
founders, the astronomer George Ellery Hale, the physicist Robert A. Millikan,
and the physical chemist Arthur Amos Noyes. There were three buildings and
eighteen faculty members. When he left, Caltech had developed into one of the
major centers of scientific research in the world. In chemistry Pauling was the
prime mover in this development. Indeed, for many young chemists of my
generation, Caltech meant Pauling.
Pauling's doctoral work was on the determination of crystal
structures by X-ray diffraction analysis under the direction of Roscoe Gilkey
Dickinson (1894-1945), who had obtained his Ph.D. only two years earlier (he
was the first person to receive a Ph.D. from Caltech). By a happy chance, Ralph
W. G. Wyckoff (1897-1994), one of the pioneers of X-ray analysis, had spent the
year before Pauling's arrival at Caltech and had taught Dickinson the method of
using Laue photographic data (white radiation, stationary crystal; a method
that fell into disuse but has newly been revived in connection with rapid data
collection with synchrotron radiation sources). Wyckoff taught Dickinson, and
Dickinson taught Pauling, who soon succeeded in determining the crystal
structures of the mineral molybdenite MoS2 (Dickinson and
Pauling, 1923) and the intermetallic compound MgSn (1923). By the time he
graduated in 1925 he had published twelve papers, most on inorganic crystal
structures, but including one with Peter Debye (1884-1966) on dilute ionic
solutions (Debye and Pauling, 1925) and one with Richard Tolman (1881-1948) on
the entropy of supercooled liquids at 0 K (Pauling and Tolman, 1925). Pauling
had already made up for his lack of formal training in physics and mathematics.
He was familiar with the quantum theory of Planck and Bohr and was ready for
the conceptual revolution that was soon to take place in Europe. Noyes obtained
one of the newly established Guggenheim fellowships for the rising star and
sent him and his young wife off to the Institute of Theoretical Physics,
directed by Arnold Sommerfeld (1868-1951), in Munich.
They arrived in April 1926, just as the Bohr-Sommerfeld model was
being displaced by the "new" quantum mechanics. It was an exciting
time, and Pauling knew he was lucky to be there at one of the centers. He
concentrated on learning as much as he could about the new theoretical physics
at Sommerfeld's institute. Pauling had been regarded, and probably also
regarded himself, as intellectually outstanding among his fellow students at
Oregon and even at Caltech; however, he must have become aware of his
limitations during his stay in Europe. The new theories were being made by men
of his own generation. Wolfgang Pauli (1900-58), Werner Heisenberg (1901-76),
and Paul Dirac (1902-84) were all born within a year of Pauling and were more
than a match for him in physical insight, mathematical ability, and philosophical
depth. Pauling was not an outstanding theoretical physicist and was probably
not particularly interested in problems such as the deep interpretation of
quantum mechanics or the philosophical implications of the uncertainty
principle. On the other hand, he was the only chemist at Sommerfeld's institute
and saw at once that the new physics was destined to provide the theoretical
basis for understanding the structure and behavior of molecules.
The year in Europe was to have a decisive influence on Pauling's
scientific development. In addition to Munich, he visited Copenhagen in the
spring of 1927 and then spent the summer in Zurich. In Copenhagen it was not
Bohr but Samuel A. Goudsmit (1902-78) who influenced Pauling (they later
collaborated in writing The Structure of Line Spectra, New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1930), and in Zurich it was neither Debye nor Schrödinger but the
two young assistants, Walter Heitler (1904-81) and Fritz London (1900-54), who
were working on their quantum-mechanical model of the hydrogen molecule in
which the two electrons are imagined to "exchange" their roles in the
wave function--an example of the "resonance" concept that Pauling was
soon to exploit so successfully.
One immediate result of the stay in Munich was Pauling's (1927)
first paper in the Proceedings of the Royal Society of London,
submitted by Sommerfeld himself. Pauling was eager to apply the new wave
mechanics to calculate properties of many-electron atoms and he found a way of
doing this by using hydrogen-like single-electron wave functions for the outer
electrons with effective nuclear charges based on empirical screening constants
for the inner electrons.
In 1927 Pauling returned to Caltech as assistant professor of
theoretical chemistry. The next twelve years produced the remarkable series of
papers that established his worldwide reputation. His abilities were quickly
recognized through promotions (to associate professor, 1929; full professor,
1931), through awards (Langmuir Prize, 1931), through election to the National
Academy of Sciences (1933), and through visiting lectureships, especially the
Baker lectureship at Cornell in 1937-38. Through his writings and lectures,
Pauling established himself as the founder and master of what might be called
structural chemistry--a new way of looking at molecules and crystals.
Pauling's way was first to establish a solid and extensive
collection of data. By means of X-ray crystallography, gas-phase electron
diffraction (installed after Pauling's 1930 visit to Europe, where he learned
about Hermann Mark's pioneering studies), and infrared, Raman, and ultraviolet
spectroscopy, interatomic distances and angles were established for hundreds of
crystals and molecules. Thermochemical information was already available. The
first task of theory, as Pauling saw it, was to provide a basis to explain the
known metric and energetic facts about molecules, and only then to lead to
prediction of new facts. At this stage of his development Pauling was
attracting many talented co-workers, undergraduates, graduate students, and
postdoctoral fellows, and their names read like a Who's Who in the structural
chemistry of the period: J. H. Sturdivant, J. L. Hoard, J. Sherman, L. O.
Brockway, D. M. Yost, G. W. Wheland, M. L. Huggins, L. E. Sutton, E. B. Wilson,
S. H. Bauer, C. D. Coryell, V. Schomaker, and others. Here are the major
Pauling's ionic radii: Once the structures of simple inorganic
crystals began to be established it was soon seen that the observed interatomic
distances were consistent with approximate additivity of characteristic radii
associated with the various cations and anions. Among the several sets that
have been proposed, Pauling's are not merely designed to reproduce the
observations but, typical for him, are derived from a mixture of approximate
quantum mechanics (using screening constants) and experimental data. His
values, derived almost seventy years ago, are still in common use, and the same
can be said for the sets of covalent radii and nonbonded (van de Waals) radii
that he introduced.
Pauling's rules: Whereas simple ionic substances, such as the
alkali halides, are limited in the types of crystal structure they can adopt,
the possibilities open to more complex substances, such as mica, KAl3Si3O10(OH)2,
may appear to be immense. Pauling (1929) formulated a set of rules about the
stability of such structures, which proved enormously successful in testing the
correctness of proposed structures and in predicting unknown ones. As Pauling himself
remarked, these rules are neither rigorous in their derivation nor universal in
their application; they were obtained in part by induction from known
structures and in part from theoretical considerations. His second rule states
essentially that electrostatic lines of force stretch only between nearest
neighbors. In the meantime, as structural knowledge has accumulated, this rule
has been modified by various authors to relate bond strengths to interatomic
distances, but it seems fair to say that it is still the basis for the
systematic description of inorganic structures. W. L. Bragg, who may have felt
somewhat beaten to the post by the publication of these rules, wrote (1937):
"The rule (the second one) appears simple, but it is surprising what rigorous
conditions it imposes upon the geometrical configuration of a silicate. . . .
To sum up, these rules are the basis for the stereochemistry of minerals."
Quantum chemistry: In 1927 Ø. Burrau solved the Schrödinger
equation for the hydrogen molecule ion H2+ in
elliptic coordinates and obtained values for the interatomic distance and
bonding energy in good agreement with experiment. Burrau's wave function fails,
however, to yield much physical insight into the stability of the system. Soon
afterwards, Pauling (1928) pointed out that although an approximate
perturbation treatment would not provide any new information, it would be
useful to know how well it performed: "For perturbation methods can be
applied to many systems for which the wave equation cannot be accurately solved
. . . ." Pauling first showed that the classical interaction of a ground
state hydrogen atom and a proton is repulsive at all distances. However, if the
electron is not localized on one of the atoms, and the wave function is taken
as a linear combination of the two ground state atomic wave functions, then the
interaction energy has a pronounced minimum at a distance of about 2 a.u. This
was the first example of what has come to be known as the method of Linear
Combination of Atomic Orbitals (LCAO). For the hydrogen-molecule ion, the LCAO
dissociation energy is only about 60% of the correct value, but the model
provides insight into the source of the bonding and can easily be extended to
more complex systems. In fact, the LCAO method is the basis of modern molecular
orbital theory.
A few months earlier Heitler and London had published their
calculation for the hydrogen molecule. This was too complicated for an exact
solution, and their method also rested on a perturbation model, a combination
of atomic wave functions in which the two electrons, with opposite spins,
change places. More generally, the energy of the electron-pair bond could now
be attributed to "the resonance energy corresponding to the interchange of
the two electrons between the two atomic orbitals." As developed by
Pauling and independently by John C. Slater (1900-76), the
Heitler-London-Slater-Pauling (HLSP) or Valence Bond model associates each
conventional covalent bond with an electron pair in a localized orbital and then
considers all ways in which these electrons can "exchange."
Much has been made of Pauling's preference for Valence Bond (VB)
theory over Molecular Orbital (MO) theory. The latter, as developed by Fritz
Hund (born 1896), Erich Hückel (1896-1980), and Robert S. Mulliken (1896-1986),
works in terms of orbitals extended over the entire molecule, orders these
orbitals according to their estimated energies, and assigns two electrons with
opposite spin to each of the bonding orbitals. Electronic excited states correspond
to promotion of one or more electrons from bonding to antibonding orbitals.
Nowadays, MO theory has proved itself more amenable to computer calculations
for multicenter molecules, but in the early days, when only hand calculations
were possible, it was largely a matter of taste. The main appeal of the MO
model was then to spectroscopists. Chemists, in general, were less comfortable
with the idea of pouring electrons into a ready-made framework of nuclei. It
was more appealing to build molecules up from individual atoms linked by
electron-pair bonds. The VB picture was more easily related to the chemist's
conventional structural formulas. Both models are, of course, drastic
simplifications, and it was soon recognized that when appropriate correction
terms are added and the proper transformations are made they become equivalent.
In particular, the MO method in its simplest form ignores electron-electron
interactions, while the VB method overestimates them.
Pauling was fully acquainted with early MO theory--there is at
least one important paper (Wheland and Pauling, 1935) on the theory of aromatic
substitution. But he clearly preferred his own simplified versions of VB theory
and soon became a master of combining them with the empirical facts of chemistry.
A remarkable series of papers entitled "The Nature of the Chemical
Bond" formed the basis for his later book with the same title. In the very
first paper Pauling (1931) set out his program of developing simple quantum
mechanical treatments to provide information about "the relative strengths
of bonds formed by different atoms, the angles between bonds, free rotation, or
lack of free rotation about bond axes, the relation between the quantum numbers
of bonding electrons and the number and spatial arrangements of bonds, and so
on. A complete theory of the magnetic moments of molecules and complex ions is
also developed, and it is shown that for many compounds involving elements of
the transition group this theory together with the rules of electron pair bonds
leads to a unique assignment of electron structures as well as a definite
determination of the type of bonds involved." To a large extent Pauling
developed his own language to describe his new concepts, and of the many new
terms introduced, three seem indelibly associated with his name: hybridization,
resonance, and eletronegativity.
Only the first of these truly originates from him. In the first
paper of the series Pauling took up the idea of spatially directed bonds. By a
generalization of the Heitler-London model for hydrogen, a normal chemical bond
can be associated with the spin pairing of two electrons, one from each of the
two atoms. While an s orbital is spherically symmetrical,
other atomic orbitals have characteristic shapes and angular distributions. It
was not difficult to explain the angular structure of the water molecule H2O
and the pyramidal structure of ammonia H3N. But the quadrivalency of
carbon was a problem. From its ground state (1s22s22p2)
carbon ought to be divalent; from the excited state (1s22s12p3)
one might expect three mutually perpendicular bonds and a fourth weaker bond
(using thes orbital) in some direction or other. As a chemist
Pauling knew that there must be a way of combining the s and p functions
to obtain four equivalent orbitals directed to the vertices of a tetrahedron.
Atomic orbitals can be expressed as products of a radial and an angular part.
Pauling solved the problem by simply ignoring the former. The desired
tetrahedral orbitals are then easily obtained as linear combinations of the
angular functions. Pauling called these hybrid orbitals and described the
procedure as hybridization. Other combinations yield three orbitals at 120°
angles in a plane (trigonal hybrids) or two at 180° (digonal hybrids). With the
inclusion of d orbitals other combinations become possible. In
his later years Pauling stated that he considered the hybridization concept to
be his most important contribution to chemistry (Kauffman and Kauffman, 1996).
Resonance: In attempting to explain the quantum-mechanical
exchange phenomenon responsible for the stability of the chemical bond, Heitler
and London had used a classical analogy originally due to Heisenberg. In
quantum mechanics a frequency
= E/h can be
associated with every system with energy E. Two noninteracting
hydrogen atoms are thus comparable to two classical systems both vibrating with
the same frequency
for example, two pendulums. Interaction between the two atoms is analogous to
coupling between the pendulums, known as resonance. When coupled the two
pendulums no longer vibrate with the same frequency as before but make a joint
vibration with frequencies
, where
depends on the coupling. Going back to
quantum mechanics, it is as if the system now has two different energies, one
higher and one lower than before. Heitler and London interpreted the
combination frequency
as the frequency of exchange of spin

Pauling first used the term resonance more or less as a synonym
for electron exchange, in the Heitler-London sense, but he went on to think of
the actual molecule as "resonating" between two or more valence-bond
structures, and hence lowering its energy below the most stable of these. Thus,
by resonating between two Kekulé structures the benzene molecule is more stable
than these extremes, and the additional stability can be attributed to
"resonance energy." Through his resonance concept Pauling reconciled
the chemist's structural formulas with simplified quantum mechanics, thereby extending
the realm of applicability of these formulas, and he proceeded to reinterpret
large areas of chemistry with it.
In the mid-years of the century resonance theory was taken up with
enthusiasm by teachers and students; it seemed to be the key to understanding
chemistry. Since then, its appeal has declined. It has now a slightly
old-fashioned connotation. Certainly, it had some failures. Resonance theory
would lead one to expect that cyclobutadiene should be more stable as a
symmetric square structure than as a rectangular one with alternating long and
short bonds, whereas the contrary is true. (It seems ironic that in the 1935
classic Introduction to Quantum Mechanics by Pauling and E.
Bright Wilson, Jr., qualitative MO theory was applied to only one example, four
atoms in a square. In contrast to the Valence Bond method, which gave a typical
"resonance energy" to this system, the MO model gave none. Of course,
cyclo-butadiene was then still only a synthetic chemist's dream.) Similarly, it
does not explain the stability of the cyclo-pentadienyl anion compared with the
corresponding cation; in these and other cases simple molecular orbital theory
provided immediate and correct answers. In the index of a modern textbook on
physical chemistry "resonance" is likely to appear only in an entry
such as "resonance, nuclear magnetic." It does not fare much better
in textbooks on inorganic and organic chemistry; a few pages on resonance
formalism are usually followed by a more extensive account of simple molecular orbital
Electronegativity, the third concept associated with Pauling's
name, is still going strong. It emerged from his concept of partially ionic
bonds. The energy of a bond can be considered as the sum of two
contributions--a covalent part and an ionic part. The thermochemical energy of
a bond D(A--B) between atoms A and B is, in general, greater than the
arithmetic mean of the energies D(A--A) and D(B--B) of the homonuclear
molecules. Pauling attributed the extra energy
to ionic resonance and found he could assign values xA,
etc., to the elements such that
is approximately proportional to (xA - xB)2.
The x values form a scale, the electronegativity scale, in
which fluorine with x = 4 is the most electronegative element,
cesium with x = 0.7 the least. Apart from providing a basis
for estimating bond energies of heteropolar bonds, these x values
can also be used to estimate the dipole moment and ionic character of bonds.
Other electronegativity scales have been proposed by several authors, but Pauling's
is still the most widely used--it is the easiest to remember. According to
Pauling, electronegativity is the power of an atom in a molecule to
attract electrons to itself. It therefore differs from the electron affinity of
the free atom although the two run roughly parallel. Many other interpretations
have been proposed.

These and many other topics were collected and summarized in the
book based on Pauling's Baker lectures, The Nature of the Chemical Bond,
probably the most influential book on chemistry this century. In my opinion the
1940 second edition is the best; the 1939 edition was short-lived, and the 1960
edition, although it contains much more material, did not evoke the same
feeling of illumination as the earlier ones.
Like so many others, I first encountered Pauling through this
book, which I discovered sometime in my second year as an undergraduate at
Glasgow University. It came as a revelation. Setting out to offer an
introduction to modern structural chemistry, it explained how the structures
and energies of molecules could be discussed in terms of a few simple
principles. The essential first step in understanding chemical phenomena was to
establish the atomic arrangements in the substances of interest. To try to
understand chemical reactivity without this information or with dubious
structural information was a waste of time. This was just what I needed to help
me make up my mind that my future was to be in structural chemistry.
The Nature of the Chemical Bond marks perhaps the culmination of Pauling's
contributions to chemical bonding theory. There were achievements to follow,
notably an important paper (1947) on the structure of metals, but the interest
in chemical bonding was being modified into an interest into the structure and
function of biological molecules. There are intimations of this in the chapter
on hydrogen bonds. Pauling was one of the first to spell out its importance for
Because of its small
bond energy and the small activation energy involved in its formation and
rupture, the hydrogen bond is especially suited to play a part in reactions
occurring at normal temperatures. It has been recognized that hydrogen bonds
restrain protein molecules to their native configurations, and I believe that
as the methods of structural chemistry are further applied to physiological
problems it will be found that the significance of the hydrogen bond for
physiology is greater than that of any other single structural feature.
Like many of his comments it seems so obvious, almost a truism,
but it was not obvious then. Essentially the same idea had been expressed in
Mirsky and Pauling (1936), but hydrogen bonds are not even mentioned, for
example, in Bernal's (1939) article on the structure of proteins.
Two remarkable observations from 1948 deserve to be mentioned
here. One is a forerunner of the 1953 Watson-Crick DNA double-helix structure
and explains what had not yet been discovered (1948,1;1976):
The detailed mechanism
by means of which a gene or a virus molecule produces replicas of itself is not
yet known. In general the use of a gene or a virus as a template would lead to
the formation of a molecule not with identical structure but with complementary
structure . . . . If the structure that serves as a template (the gene or virus
molecule) consists of, say, two parts, which are themselves complementary in
structure, then each of these parts can serve as the mold for the production of
a replica of the other part, and the complex of two complementary parts thus
can serve as the mold for the production of duplicates of itself.
And in the same vein, although nothing whatsoever was known about
the structure of enzymes, the other (1948,2) announced what became clear to
biochemists in general only many years later:
I think that enzymes are
molecules that are complementary in structure to the activated complexes of the
reactions that they catalyse, that is, to the molecular configuration that is
intermediate between the reacting substances and the products of reaction for
these catalysed processes. The attraction of the enzyme molecule for the
activated complex would thus lead to a decrease in its energy, and hence to a
decrease in the energy of activation of the reaction, and to an increase in the
rate of the reaction.
The message seems to have laid in oblivion until well after
"transition-state binding" had become popular; it is not mentioned,
for example, in Jencks's classic work (1969) on enzyme catalysis.
Both of these prescient statements depend on the concept of
complementarity, which arose out of Pauling's early work on proteins and
antibodies. This started because, in the search for funding during the
depression, Pauling obtained a grant from Warren Weaver, director of the
Rockefeller Foundation Natural Science Division, but only for research in life
sciences. With his knowledge of inorganic structural chemistry, hemoglobin was
the first target, and within a few months he solved an important problem. By
magnetic susceptibility measurements it was shown that, whereas hemoglobin
contains four unpaired electrons per heme and the oxygen molecule contains two,
oxyhemoglobin (and also carbonmonoxyhemoglobin) contains none (Pauling and
Coryell, 1936). This result showed that in oxygenated blood, the O2 molecule
is attached to the iron atom of hemoglobin by a covalent bond--that it was not
just a matter of oxygen being somehow dissolved in the protein. Magnetic
susceptibility measurements could also yield equilibrium constants and rates
for many reactions involving addition of molecules and ions to ferro- and
ferrihemoglobin. It is interesting that Pauling had introduced the magnetic
susceptibility technique at Caltech in connection with the prediction and
identification of the superoxide radical anion, a molecule whose biological
significance was recognized only many years later (1979).
In 1936 Alfred E. Mirsky (1900-74) and Pauling published a paper
on protein denaturation, which was known to be a two-stage process, one under
mild conditions partially reversible, the other irreversible. Pauling
associated the first stage with the breaking and reformation of hydrogen bonds,
the second with the breaking of covalent bonds. The native protein was pictured
as follows: "The molecule consists of one polypeptide chain which
continues without interruption throughout the molecule (or, in certain cases,
of two or more such chains); this chain is folded into a uniquely defined
configuration in which it is held by hydrogen bonds . . . . The importance of
the hydrogen bond in protein structure can hardly be overemphasized." Loss
of the native conformation destroys the characteristic properties of the
protein. From the entropy difference between the native and denatured forms of
trypsin, about 1020 conformations were estimated to be
accessible to the denatured protein molecule. On heating, or if the pH of the
solution was near the isoelectric point of the protein, unfolded segments of
acidic or basic side-chains would get entangled with one another, fastening
molecules together, and ultimately leading to the formation of a coagulum. This
was perhaps the first modern theory of native and denatured proteins.
Complementariness enters the picture in 1940, when Max Delbrück
(1906-81) and Pauling published their refutation of a proposal of Pascal
Jordan, according to which a quantum-mechanical stabilizing interaction between
identical or nearly identical molecules might influence biological molecular
synthesis in such a way as to favor the formation of molecular replicas in the
living cell. After dismissing this proposal the authors went on to say that
complementariness, not identity, should be given primary consideration. They
The case might occur in
which the two complementary structures happened to be identical; however, in
this case also the stability of the complex of two molecules would be due to
their complementariness rather than their identity. When speculating about
possible mechanisms of autocatalysis it would therefore seem to be most
rational from the point of view of the structural chemist to analyze the
conditions under which complementariness and identity might coincide.
The use of the word "complementariness" instead of the
more usual "complementarity" is striking. According to Delbrück, his
only role in the publication, apart from suggesting a few minor changes, was to
have drawn Pauling's attention to Jordan's proposal, and it seems quite likely
that "complementariness" was one of these minor changes, introduced
in order to avoid the epistemological connotations that Delbrück associated
with "complementarity" in Bohr's sense.
By this time Pauling was thinking about antibodies. In 1936 he had
met Karl Landsteiner (1868-1943), discoverer of the human blood groups and
instrumental in establishing immunology as a branch of science. According to
Pauling (1976), Landsteiner asked him how he would explain the specificity of
interaction of antibodies and antigens, to which he replied that he could not.
The question set Pauling thinking about the problem, and it was not long before
he had a theory (1940) that guided his research on antibodies for years to
come. Eventually, it turned out to be wrong, or at least only half right.
The correct part was that the specificity of antibodies for a
particular antigen is based on complementarity: "Atoms and groups which
form the surface of the antigen attract certain complementary parts of the
globulin chain and repel other parts." The wrong part was his assumption
"that all antibody molecules contain the same polypeptide chains as normal
globulin and differ from normal globulin only in the configuration of the
chain." Pauling was clearly not too happy about this assumption, which he
adopted only because of his inability "to formulate a reasonable mechanism
whereby the order of amino-acid residues would be determined by the
antigen." He could not know then about the genetic basis of amino-acid
sequence. So he was right about how antibodies work and wrong about how they
are produced. It was still a long time before a better theory emerged, based
not on instruction but on selection, and involving hypervariable regions of the
amino-acid chain and shuffling genes. In retrospect then it is not surprising
that Pauling's immunochemistry program, carried out mainly by his Caltech
collaborator Dan Campbell, never achieved the successes he had hoped for.
During World War II there was a brief flurry of excitement when they claimed to
have made "artificial antibodies" from normal globulins, but the
claim proved to be ill founded and was soon retracted.
In 1941 Pauling's intense work schedule was temporarily stemmed
when he was diagnosed as having Bright's disease, regarded then by many doctors
as incurable. Under the treatment of Dr. Thomas Addis, he slowly recovered.
Addis, a controversial figure, put Pauling on a low-protein, salt-free diet,
which was effective in healing the damaged kidneys. After about six months
Pauling was more or less back to normal, but he kept to Addis's diet for many
years afterwards. Pearl Harbor brought further distractions when Pauling's
energies were diverted to war work, mainly on rocket propellants and in the
search for artificial antibodies. Earlier he had used the paramagnetism of
oxygen to design and develop an oxygen meter for use in submarines.
By the end of the war Pauling felt well enough to travel abroad
again. In late 1947 he came as Eastman visiting professor with his family to
England, where he gave lectures to packed audiences in Oxford and elsewhere,
received medals, and suffered from the climate. In 1948, confined to bed with a
cold, he began thinking again about a problem that had briefly occupied him a
decade earlier--the structure of
By this time, thanks to the X-ray crystallographic work of Robert B. Corey and
his associates, the detailed structures of several amino acids and simple
peptides were known, and although the interatomic distances and angles did not
differ much from the values derived earlier by resonance arguments, Pauling
could now take them as facts rather than suppositions--especially the planarity
of the amide group. With the help of paper models he then set himself the
problem of taking a polypeptide chain, rotating round the two single bonds but
keeping the peptide groups planar, repeating with the same rotation angles from
one peptide group to the next, and searching for a helical structure in which
each N-H group makes a hydrogen bond with the carbonyl oxygen of another
residue. He found two such structures, one of which also fulfilled the
condition of tight packing down the central hole. The structure in question
repeated after 18 residues in 5 turns at a distance of 27 Å, hence 5.4 Å per
turn, whereas X-ray photographs of
seemed to show that the repeat distance was 5.1 Å. The discrepancy could not be
removed by minor adjustments to the model and was large enough for Pauling to
put the problem aside (1996).

It was taken up again after his return to Pasadena, with the help
of Corey and a young visiting professor, Herman Branson, who checked details of
the model and searched for alternatives, but without coming up with anything
really new. Then came a paper from the Cavendish Laboratory by Bragg, Kendrew,
and Perutz (1950), who described several possible helical structures for
all unacceptable in Pauling's view because they allowed rotation about the C--N
bond of the amide group. This paper provoked Pauling to publish his ideas in a
series of papers that described the now famous
(essentially the one modeled in Oxford with 3.7 residues per turn), the
(disfavored on energetic grounds), and the parallel and anti-parallel pleated
sheets with extended polypeptide chains (Pauling and Corey, 1950;1951,1,2.
Pauling, Corey, and Branson, 1951). By this time X-ray photographs of synthetic
polypeptides had clarified the apparent discrepancy concerning the repeat
distance along the helix; it was 5.4 Å after all. Max Perutz has vividly
described his consternation on first reading Pauling's proposed structure and
how he managed to corroborate it by observing the 1.5 Å reflection
corresponding to the step distance along the
which everyone had missed until then (Perutz, 1987).

Very soon evidence began to accumulate that the
is indeed one of the main structural features and that the two pleated sheet
structures are also important elements of the secondary structure of globular
proteins. Just as a few rules concerning the regular repetition of simple
structural units had sufficed twenty years earlier to successfully predict the
structures of minerals, now a few simple principles derived from structural
chemistry were enough to predict the main structural features of proteins.

Pauling's next essay in model building was not so successful. In
the summer of 1952 he learned about the Hershey-Chase experiment proving that
genetic information was carried not by protein but by DNA, deoxyribonucleic
acid, a polynucleotide. Pauling felt it should be possible to decipher the
structure of this substance by model building along lines similar to those in
the protein work. The available X-ray diffraction patterns showed a strong
reflection at about 3.4 Å, but nothing much else. Having convinced himself that
a two-stranded helical structure would yield too low a density, he went on to
the assumption of a three-stranded helical structure held together by hydrogen
bonds between the phosphate groups of different strands--that is, the structure
rested on the tacit assumption that the phosphodiester groups were protonated!
They were closely packed about the axis of the helix with the pentose residues
surrounding them and the purine and pyrimidine groups projecting radially
outward. When this structure was presented at a seminar, Verner Schomaker is
credited with the remark, "If that were the structure of DNA, it would
explode!" Nevertheless, the structure was published (Pauling and Corey,
1953), a pre-publication copy having been sent to Cambridge, where it
stimulated Watson and Crick into their final spurt, culminating in their
base-paired structure, which was immediately acclaimed as correct by everyone
who saw it--including Pauling. The Watson-Crick structure conformed to the
self-complementarity principle that Pauling had enunciated many years earlier
and then apparently forgotten.
Much has been written about this spectacular failure. Why was his
model-building approach so successful with the polypeptides and so unsuccessful
(in his hands) with DNA? First was the time factor. Pauling had thought about
polypeptide structures for more than a decade before he risked publishing his
conclusions; he thought only for a few months about DNA.
Secondly, the available information: for the polypeptide problem,
precise metrical and stereochemical data for amino acids and simple peptides,
mostly from Pauling's own laboratory, were at hand; for DNA almost nothing was
known about the detailed structures of the monomers or oligomers. The X-ray
photographs available to Pauling were obtained from degraded DNA specimens and
were essentially noninformative (they were later recognized to be derived from
mixtures of the A and B forms of DNA), and he made a bad mistake in neglecting
the high water content of the DNA specimens in his density calculations.
Yet Watson and Crick succeeded with Pauling's methods where
Pauling failed. There is no doubt in my mind that if Pauling
had had access to Rosalind Franklin's X-ray photographs, he would immediately
have drawn the same conclusion as Crick did, namely, that the molecule
possesses a twofold axis of symmetry, thus pointing to two chains running in
opposite directions and definitely excluding a three-chain structure. Then
there were Chargaff's data about base ratios; Pauling later admitted that he
had known about these but had forgotten. It seems clear that Pauling was in a
hurry to publish, although, according to Peter Pauling's entertaining account
twenty years later (P. Pauling, 1973), he never felt he was in any sense
"in a race." Finally, as described in the next section, he was by
this time under severe harassment from the FBI and other agencies for his
political views and activities. This must have taken up much of his mental and
emotional energies during these months.
Pauling's standing as a founder of molecular biology rests partly
on his identification of sickle-cell anemia, a hereditary disease, as a
molecular disease--the first to be recognized as such. The red blood cells in
the venous systems of sufferers adopt sickle shapes which tend to block small
blood vessels, causing distressing symptoms, whereas the cells in the more
oxygenated arterial blood have the normal flattened disc shape. When, towards
the end of the war, Pauling heard about this it occurred to him that it could
be due to the presence of hemoglobin molecules with a different amino-acid
sequence from normal. The abnormal molecules, but not the normal ones, could
contain self-complementary patches such as to lead to end-to-end aggregation
into long rods that twist the blood cells out of shape. Oxygenation could cause
a conformational change to block these sticky patches. It took several years to
confirm the essential correctness of what was no more than an intuitive guess.
In the preliminary studies attempts to identify any difference between the
hemoglobins of normal and sickle-cell blood were unsuccessful, but with the advent
of electrophoresis it could be shown that molecules of sickle-cell and normal
hemoglobin moved at different rates in the electric field; the two molecules
have different isoelectric points and must indeed be different (Pauling, Itano,
Singer, and Wells, 1949). When, much later, it became possible to determine the
amino-acid sequence in a protein, sickle-cell hemoglobin was found to contain
valine instead of glutamic acid at position 6 of the two
A single change in a single gene is responsible for the disease.

A decade later the further study of mutations in hemoglobin led to
yet another fundamental contribution to molecular biology--the concept of the
"molecular clock" in evolution (Zuckerkandl and Pauling, 1962). By
this time, amino-acid sequencing of proteins had become standard. Hemoglobins
obtained from humans, gorillas, horses, and other animals were analyzed. From
paleontological evidence the common ancestor of man and horse lived somewhere
around 130 million years ago. The
of horse and human hemoglobin contain about 150 amino acids and differ by about
18 amino-acid substitutions, that is, about 9 evolutionary effective mutations
for each of the chains, or about one per 14 million years. On this basis the
differences between gorilla and human hemoglobin (two substitutions in
and one in the
suggest a relatively recent divergence between the species, on the order of
only 10 million years. On the other hand, differences between the
of several animals suggest divergence from a common chain ancestor about 600
million years ago, in the pre-Cambrian, before the apparent onset of vertebrate
evolution. From this work it became clear that comparison of protein sequences
(now replaced by comparison of DNA sequences) is a powerful source of
information about the origin of species. Evolution of organisms is bound with
the evolution of molecules.

By 1954, when Pauling was awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry for
his "research into the nature of the chemical bond and its application to
the elucidation of the structure of complex substances," he was famous not
only as a scientist; he was also a well known public figure, at least in the
United States. Although he was not connected in any way either with the
Manhattan Project or the Radiation Laboratory, his wartime research on
antibodies and rocket propellants brought him into government advisory agencies
such as the Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD) under Vannevar
Bush and earned him the Presidential Medal for Merit, the highest civilian
honor in the United States, awarded by President Truman in 1948. A few years
later he was being vilified in the local and national press, being cited for
"un-American activities," being denied the possibility to travel
outside the United States, and his government research contracts were being
terminated. How did this happen?
Almost immediately after August 1945 Pauling became concerned with
the implications of the atomic age for international relations and the
necessity for controls. His lectures and writings on this subject soon
attracted the attention of the FBI and other government agencies. Far from
being intimidated by these attentions, he began, with the encouragement of his
wife, Ava Helen, to take a more active stance. He signed petitions, joined
organizations (such as the Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, headed by
Albert Einstein, and the American Civil Liberties Union), protested against the
loyalty oaths demanded of public employees, and spoke eloquently against the
development of nuclear weapons.
In the McCarthy era and especially during the Korean War this was
enough to make him suspect as a security risk. Pauling was invited to lecture
at a Royal Society meeting on protein structure to be held in London in May
1952. In February his application for a passport was refused because his
proposed travel "would not be in the best interests of the United
States." Renewed applications up to the end of April met with renewed refusals.
A few hours before the start of the meeting Pauling telegraphed his regrets to
London. I was present when the news came that Pauling had not been granted a
passport and was therefore unable to attend. It was a grave disappointment, for
we had all looked forward to Pauling's presence at the meeting, and there was
also a feeling of outrage. The action of the State Department was seen as an
insult not only to Pauling and The Royal Society, but to the scientific
community at large. Pauling was certainly not the only U.S. citizen whose right
to travel was denied by the State Department, but the incident provoked such
widespread criticism that it probably helped lead to a reexamination and
ultimate change in the State Department's policy. Later that year Pauling was
permitted to travel to France and England (where he did not see Rosalind
Franklin's X-ray diffraction photographs of DNA!) and the following summer he
was again in Europe (where he did see the Watson-Crick DNA structure). This
freedom to travel was bought at the cost of temporary, self-imposed political
restraint, and was in any case a fragile privilege which he lost again a few
months later, when he spoke out in defense of J. Robert Oppenheimer.
In March 1954, following the Bikini Atoll explosion of a
"dirty" thermonuclear superbomb, Pauling was in the news again when
he began to call attention to the worldwide danger of radioactive fallout in
the atmosphere. In the summer his renewed application for a passport was again
turned down, but in November, when his Nobel Prize was announced, the State
Department found itself in a public relations dilemma. The fuss created by
Pauling's absence in London in 1952 would be nothing compared with the
international outcry that could be imagined if Pauling were refused permission
to travel to attend the Nobel Prize ceremony. So Pauling went to Stockholm,
where he was a tremendous success, and followed this by visits to Israel,
India, Thailand, and Japan. Everywhere--outside his own country--he was
welcomed with enthusiasm, not only for his scientific accomplishments but even
more for his political stance.
In the United States, too, the public was becoming increasingly
concerned about radioactive fallout, not only from American tests but also from
ever more powerful Soviet nuclear explosions. Increasing levels of strontium 90
and carbon 14 made newspaper headlines. Pauling claimed that the increased
level of radioactive isotopes in the atmosphere was a danger not only to the
living but also to future generations. The spokesmen on the Atomic Energy
Commission countered that, although radiation might be harmful, it was not
harmful in the doses produced by the tests and that Pauling vastly exaggerated
the dangers. In fact, all the estimates were tentative at best, but since the
Atomic Energy Commission was responsible both for developing nuclear weapons
and for monitoring the associated health hazards, its estimates were probably
no more objective that those who demanded a stop to the tests. Andrei Sakharov
(1990) estimated that every one-megaton test cost about 10,000 human lives.
In January 1958 Pauling, together with his wife, was instrumental
in collecting thousands of signatures from scientists all over the world for a
petition to end nuclear bomb testing, which was presented to Dag Hammarskjöld,
secretary general of the United Nations. A few months later the Soviet Union
called for an immediate halt to nuclear testing, and in October, after more
tests by both sides that added markedly to world concern about fallout, talks
began in Geneva to discuss details of a possible test ban. During the talks
there was an informal moratorium on testing by the Soviet Union, the United
States, and the United Kingdom. In the meantime, Pauling's book No More
War! was published.
In 1960 the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee (SISS) headed by
Senator Thomas Dodd issued a subpoena to Pauling to answer questions about
Communist infiltration of the campaign against nuclear testing. At Pauling's
request the hearings were open and they soon turned into a public relations
fiasco for Dodd and the SISS. This was partly because the members of the SISS
had not done their homework and partly because it gave Pauling the excuse to
lecture them about elementary civic rights and duties: "The circulation of
petitions is an important part of our democratic process. If it is abolished or
inhibited, it would be a step towards a police state." By this time public
opinion was mostly on Pauling's side, but the whole affair must have been
experienced by him as an emotional strain--and a tremendous waste of his time
and energy.
In 1961 there was a new petition, an "Appeal to Stop the
Spread of Nuclear Weapons," again presented to the United Nations, and he
also helped to organize the Oslo conference on the dangers raised by the
proliferation of nuclear weapons. But in September there was a new spate of
Soviet tests of even more powerful bombs--fifty within a couple of months--and
in March 1963 President Kennedy announced that the United States would also
resume testing. This time the tests did not last long; they were stopped in the
summer, when new proposals were made to forbid atmospheric tests while
permitting underground tests. In August both sides signed a treaty to ban all
tests in the atmosphere, in outer space, and under the sea. The treaty went
into effect on October 10 and the following day Pauling was awarded the Nobel
Peace Prize for 1962.
At the present time, especially in the aftermath of the Chernobyl
disaster, the cultural climate has changed so much that this short account of
atomic politics until 1963 must strike younger readers as almost inconceivable.
In the summer of 1996, when France exploded some "nuclear devices"
several hundred meters underground below a remote atoll in the South Pacific,
there was an international outcry of protest by governments, the press, and the
public. Forty years ago, when tons of radioactive material were being spewed
into the atmosphere by test after test, there was no such outcry, at least not
in the United States and the Soviet Union, the two countries most responsible
for the pollution. One can assume that the majority of people believed the
tests were necessary. Small groups of people organized protest marches, but
there were no social structures in these nuclear states to resist the
continuation of testing and the spread of atomic weapons. Pauling was one of
the few who consistently spoke against the dangers of atmospheric testing,
against the spread of nuclear weapons, for efficient control of such weapons,
and for a more rational approach to solve international conflicts. These
sentiments found a ready ear in the non-nuclear countries, and eventually
public opinion in the United States also swung in his direction. Whether he had
any effect in the Soviet Union is another matter; he is not mentioned in
Sakharov's (1990) autobiography.
A few days after the news of the Nobel Peace Prize Pauling
announced that he was leaving Caltech to become a member of the Center for the
Study of Democratic Institutions in Santa Barbara. He was disappointed with the
lukewarm reaction of the administration and some of his colleagues. Perhaps he
had intended to move anyway. In the mid-1950s he had become interested in
phenylketonuria (mental deficiency due to inability to metabolize
phenylalanine) as a further example of a molecular disease arising from the
lack of a specific enzyme. At about this time he was also developing his theory
that xenon acts as anesthetic because it forms crystalline polyhedral hydrates;
microcrystals of such hydrates in the brain could interfere with the electric
oscillations associated with consciousness (1961). He obtained a $450,000 grant
from the Ford Foundation to study the molecular basis of mental disease and
turned his laboratories more and more away from traditional chemistry, not to
the unanimous approval of his colleagues. In 1958 he resigned from his position
as department chairman, a position he had held for more than twenty years, and
found himself under pressure to give up research space to a new generation of
researchers. In these years of intense political activity and world travel he
was in any case spending less and less time with his own research group and in
keeping up with new developments in chemistry. When he left Caltech he vanished
without a trace. In the 1963-64 annual report of the chemistry department his
name appears in the list of professors with more honors and degrees than anyone
else; in the corresponding report a year later his name has disappeared.
The next few years were not the happiest in Pauling's life. Not
only did he sever his connection with Caltech, he resigned from the American
Chemical Society as well. The move to Santa Barbara was not a success. He
turned to theoretical physics, but his close-packed spheron theory of the
atomic nucleus met with little acceptance. He became engaged in actual and
threatened libel suits. He moved briefly to the University of California at San
Diego (1967-69) and then on to Stanford University (1969-72), where he was closer
to his ranch at Big Sur, but he had no stable position in which to continue his
planned research into "orthomolecular" psychiatric therapy.
Meanwhile, he was deeply unhappy about the American involvement in Vietnam and
about American politics in general.
One consolation was that after passing his sixty-fifth birthday
Pauling's health took a sudden turn for the better. Thanks to Dr. Addis's
unconventional low-protein diet, he had recovered well from the kidney disease
that had laid him low in his forties, but he had always suffered from severe
colds several times a year. In 1966, following a suggestion from Dr. Irwin
Stone, the Paulings began to take three grams of ascorbic acid per day each.
Almost immediately they felt livelier and healthier. Over the next few years
the colds that had plagued him all his life became less severe and less
frequent. This experience made Pauling a believer in the health benefits of
large daily amounts of vitamin C. It was not long before he was
enthusiastically promulgating this belief in lectures and writings, which, not
too surprisingly, brought on him the displeasure of the American medical
establishment. After all, the then recommended daily allowance (RDA) of vitamin
C was 45 mg; it was well known that there was no known cure for the common
cold, and, in particular, previous studies had shown conclusively that vitamin
C had no effect. Nevertheless, the NAS Subcommittee on Laboratory Animal
Nutrition was then recommending daily intakes around 100 times that of the human
RDA (adjusted for body weight) to keep laboratory primates in optimal health.
In his 1970 book Vitamin C and the Common Cold, Pauling
gave evolutionary arguments why much larger amounts of vitamin C than the RDA
may be conducive to optimal health. He cited studies supporting its efficacy in
preventing colds or at least in lessening their severity. He criticized studies
that claimed the opposite and he argued that since vitamin C is not a drug but
a nutrient there is no reason why a large daily intake should be harmful.
Pauling's arguments did not win the approval of the medical profession but they
caught on with the general public. The book rapidly became a best seller. As a
result, in America and later in other countries, millions of people have been
persuaded that a daily intake of 1-2 g of ascorbic acid has a beneficial effect
on health and well being, essentially agreeing with Pauling that "we may
make use of ascorbic acid for improving health in the ways indicated by
experience, even though a detailed understanding of the mechanisms of its
action has not yet been obtained."
One result of the book was a collaboration with a Scottish
surgeon, Ewan Cameron, from Vale of Leven, who had observed beneficial effects
of high doses of vitamin C in treating terminal cancer patients. Cameron
thought that vitamin C might be involved in strengthening the intracellular
mucopolysaccharide hyaluronic acid by helping to inhibit the action of the
enzyme hyaluronidase produced by invasive cancerous cells. A paper by Cameron and
Pauling (1973) advocating vitamin C therapy in cancer was submitted to
the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS),
which, in an unprecedented move, rejected the paper (it was then published in
the specialist journal Oncology). During the next few years Cameron
continued his trials. Since a double-blind trial was ethically unacceptable, he
compared results obtained with one hundred ascorbate-treated terminal patients
and one thousand other cases, ten controls for each patient, matched as closely
as possible, and found that the ascorbate-treated patients lived longer and
felt better subjectively. A paper describing these results was eventually
published in PNAS (Cameron and Pauling, 1976) but only after long arguments
with referees. The Cameron-Pauling collaboration culminated in their 1979
book Cancer and Nitamin C, which was again more popular with
the public than the medical profession, which continued to regard claims about
the effectiveness of vitamin C in treating or preventing cancer as quackery.
But by this time several important changes had occurred in Pauling's life.
At Stanford Pauling's demands for more laboratory space for his
orthomolecular medicine studies had been turned down. A solution was found by a
younger colleague, Arthur B. Robinson, who had left a tenured position at San
Diego to work with Pauling at Stanford. Instead of working in cramped quarters
at the university they would set up their own research institute nearby. A
building was rented, initial financial help was forthcoming, and the Institute
for Ortho-molecular Medicine was founded in 1973. Once the initial funding ran
out the institute found itself in financial straits. Soon it was renamed the
Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine with Pauling as president. By
this change, it was hoped, fund-raising possibilities would be improved--a hope
that proved illusory. Since Pauling was frequently away on travels and in any
case disliked administration, Robinson took over in 1975, but the fiscal
problems of the institute dragged on for several years until support began to
be provided by private foundations and individual donations.
Personal and scientific difficulties between Robinson and Pauling
led to Robinson's dismissal in 1979 and to lawsuits that dragged on for years.
Meanwhile, Pauling continued to defend his unorthodox views and became once
again a controversial figure, regarded by some as a crackpot, by others as a
sage. In 1986 he wrote another popular book How to Li
e Longer and Feel Better, which, based
on his own experiences, gave advice about how to cope with aging.

In July 1976 Ava Helen underwent surgery for stomach cancer.
Instead of post-operative chemotherapy or radiation treatment she adopted
vitamin C therapy to the tune of 10 g per day. She was soon well enough to
accompany Pauling on his various travels, but she finally succumbed five years
later in December 1981. Pauling continued to travel, appear on television,
write, and receive honors--his energy seemed unabated. When quasi-crystals with
forbidden fivefold symmetry were discovered in 1984 Pauling took a contrary
position and argued that the fivefold symmetry seen in Al/Mn alloys resulted
merely from twinning of cubic crystallites (1985). He was probably wrong, but
the resulting controversy was nevertheless useful in forcing the proponents of
quasi-crystals to seek better evidence for their view.
He even became reconciled with Caltech, where his eighty-fifth and
ninetieth birthdays were marked by special symposia in his honor. In 1991 he
was diagnosed with cancer. Surgery brought temporary relief, and megadoses of
vitamin C kept up his spirits. He spent his last months at the ranch at Big Sur
and died there on August 19, 1994.
In the meantime, the medical establishment is no longer so totally
dismissive of Pauling's views about possible therapeutic benefits of vitamin C
on the common cold and on cancer. A recent review of several studies concludes
that although supplemental vitamin C does not decrease the incidence of the
common cold it does diminish the duration and severity of symptoms (Hemilä,
1992). This review also states that the level of vitamin C intake derived from
a normal or balanced diet may be insufficient for optimal body function and
that the substance is safe even in large amounts.
The connection between vitamin C and cancer has also become a
respectable topic of discussion. It was the subject of a conference organized
by the National Cancer Institute in Washington, D.C., in 1990. Vitamins C and E
(and other anti-oxidants) inhibit the endogenous formation of N-nitroso
compounds in animals and humans (Bartsch, Ohshima, and Pignatelli, 1988). Such
compounds are known to be carcinogenic in animals. Conclusive proof that they
are dangerous at the levels naturally present in man is lacking, but the
evidence seems suggestive. Thus, although the effectiveness of vitamin C in
treating cancers may still be debatable, there is good reason to believe that
it has at least an important preventative role.
The final word about the effect of large doses of vitamin C on
health has still to be said. If you have a full, healthy diet rich with fruit,
grains, and fresh vegetables, then you probably do not need supplemental
vitamins and minerals. But in the modern world many people have, and may even
prefer, an unhealthy diet. For them vitamin supplements are probably
beneficial. After all, Pauling not only recommended large doses of vitamin C
but also advised people to stop smoking, eat less, and cut down on sucrose.
Pauling lived a long and productive life. As scientist, through
his writings and personal impact, he influenced several generations of chemists
and biologists. As political activist he challenged the political and military
establishment of the United States and helped to change them. As health
crusader he took on the medical establishment and persuaded millions of people
to eat supplemental vitamins. He could be very persuasive indeed. His lectures
were spellbinding, and he had a characteristically simple and direct literary
I remember his lectures at Oxford in early 1948. The lecture hall
was too small to hold all who wished to attend; there was standing room only.
He told those of us who had never studied electrostatics to go home and read
Sir James Jeans's book on that subject before coming to his lectures on
chemical bonding. I had never studied electrostatics but I stayed, spellbound.
I had never heard anyone quite like him, with his jokes, relaxed manner,
seraphic smile, slide-rule calculations, and spontaneous flow of ideas (only
much later did I realize that much of that apparent spontaneity was carefully
studied). He had great histrionic skills.
Vain? Conceited? Pauling was certainly aware of his own
intellectual superiority, but he could be patient in dealing with the slowness
of the slow witted. On the whole he was fairly tolerant of young, insecure
seminar speakers, although, as I remember, he could also be intimidating at
times. I am referring here to Pauling in middle age; I am told he became more
intolerant in his later years. Political harassment during and after the
McCarthy era must have taken its toll. Ambitious? Self-centered? Undoubtedly.
Without these traits he would not have been able to accomplish as much as he
did. But he often had a merry twinkle in his eyes and could be very charming,
both as a public personality and in private.
In personal matters he kept most people at a distance. I believe
he was basically rather shy. When he talked about science or politics or
anything that caught his interest there was no stopping him. He read widely and
was extremely knowledgeable in many areas--a result of having pored over
the Encyclopaedia Britannica in his youth? In conversation one
sometimes sensed a faraway look in his eyes; one felt that he was already
thinking about something else. Probably he was, and, indeed, he was a
formidable thinker, both at the problem-solving level and about fundamentals.
With his prodigious memory he could call up facts and derivations, what
so-and-so had written in 1928, the unit cell dimensions of an obscure mineral,
the standard heat of formation of ethane; and he had a remarkable capacity to
visualize complex three-dimensional structures. I once asked him why he had
never discussed the application of group theory to problems of chemical
bonding. "Jack," he replied, "if you need group theory to solve
that sort of problem then you're in the wrong line of business."
In addition to his Nobel Prizes Pauling was awarded dozens of
honors and distinctions, including honorary doctorates from Oregon State
College, Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, Reed College, and the Universities of
Chicago, Princeton, Yale, Cambridge, London, Oxford, Paris, Toulouse,
Montepellier, Lyon, Liège, Humboldt (Berlin), Melbourne, York (Toronto), New
Brunswick, and Warsaw. His election to membership in the National Academy of
Sciences, Royal Society of London, Académie Française des Sciences, and
Akademiya Nauk SSR may be specially mentioned.
His name will be remembered as long as there is a science of chemistry.
I HAVE LEARNED MUCH about Pauling's life from the excellent
biography by Tom Hager (1995) and am grateful for information and advice from
many friends and colleagues, among them David Craig, Durward W. J. Cruickshank,
Albert Eschenmoser, Edgar Heilbronner, Barclay and Linda Pauling Kamb, Paul
Kleihues, Alan Mackay, Peter J. Pauling, Alexander Rich, John D. Roberts, and
Verner Schomaker.
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